I graduated in 2002 from The University of Texas at Arlington and began my teaching career. After graduation, I taught for twelve years in grades 5-8 math/science. I then took a six year break from full-time teaching in order to stay home with/have my three children. During this time, I taught pre-k at a nearby private christian school. My oldest son also completed his kindergarten and first grade years using a university model. This allowed me to teach him in a homeschool setting. It was a special and precious time. After our family relocated to the Rendon/Burleson area, I figured it is a good time to get back into the classroom as my youngest was going into pre-k. In all honesty, I was very burnt out with teaching and all of the extra stuff that was required of public school teachers when I quit teaching six years prior. In a way I was digging my heels in, but knew God wanted me to pursue a teaching position someplace. Holy Cross wasn't even on my radar, but God knew what I needed. I heard about HCCA from some family friends. Upon further investigation, I knew I wanted to be a part of it. Unfortunately, there was no position at the time. I left my resume/application with Mrs. Matejka just in case a position opened up. Well, "just in case" happened three days later. My first year was incredible despite Covid/quarantine. My students, co-workers and parents are wonderful. They are all so very supportive and we challenge each other in a good way. It is a privilege to be able to teach science through a Christian lens. I am able to show my students that Jesus Christ is in every aspect of life. My desire is to not only to help them learn about science and the world around them, but to grow in their relationship with Christ.