In order to keep tuition low, we rely on fundraisers to help offset the portion of our operating expenses not covered by tuition. Direct donation means that 100% of your donation will remain with Holy Cross! As an added bonus, because HCCA is a non-profit organization your contributions are tax deductible! By asking family and friends to support HCCA through your family, you are giving them the opportunity to be a part of what God is doing through and in our school!
Our annual Check Writing Campaign (CWC) has helped to improve and expand current programs. We have been able to provide instructional microscopes with teacher/student view finders, automated bleachers, new lunchroom tables, classroom furniture, emergency radio system, security cameras, 1:1 chromebooks for 3rd through 8th graders and additional chromebooks on a cart for the lower grades and increased broadband to service these additional devices. These are just a few examples of the investments we have made with the generous donations from CWC.
It is exciting to see all that God has in store for the continued growth of Holy Cross Christian Academy.