Expected Student Outcomes

  • 1. Christian Character

    THE HOLY CROSS CHRISTIAN ACADEMY student is developing his or her personal faith in Jesus Christ so that he or she will be equipped to deal with real-life situations as a person of faith, character, humility, and integrity while demonstrating Christ-like love for all. 

    • Displays Christ-like conflict resolution
    • Growing one’s faith by practicing Christian disciplines (ex. attends daily chapel, memorizes scripture, studies the Bible, prays regularly)
    • Discern worldly situations of right and wrong
  • 2. Christian Servant-Leader

    THE HOLY CROSS CHRISTIAN ACADEMY student is becoming a Christ-like servant and leader able to define, enhance and articulate his or her faith.

    • Accepts positions of leadership and influence
    • Works well with people and fosters relationships
    • Manages projects and accomplishes goals
    • Seeks to participate in community outreach and volunteer opportunities
    • Articulates his/her faith
  • 3. Christian Worldview

    THE HOLY CROSS CHRISTIAN ACADEMY student is developing a Christian worldview and is gaining an understanding of his/her responsibility to lead a life that reflects Christian values and principles. 

  • 4. Christian Steward

    THE HOLY CROSS CHRISTIAN ACADEMY student is developing a thorough knowledge and understanding of the Bible, is learning to apply its absolute truth in everyday life and is growing in his or her understanding of how to responsibly give back to God.

    • Understands that God has entrusted us with gifts, time and resources.
    • Using those resources for His glory.  
  • 5. Effective Communication

    THE HOLY CROSS CHRISTIAN ACADEMY student is becoming an effective verbal and written communicator who applies critical thinking skills and thoughtful problem solving in a confident, persuasive and respectful manner.

    • Express their ideas in a clear, concise and effective manner whether verbally or written.
    • Learn a variety of methods for communicating (e.g. genres, email, speeches, interviews, etc.)
    • Utilize good eye contact, manners, respectful words and appropriate body language.  
  • 6. Equipped for the Future

    ThHE HOLY CROSS CHRISTIAN ACADEMY vstudent is preparing for higher education with a strong academic and spiritual foundation that will allow him or her to eventually compete at the college of his or her choosing.

    • Identifying and developing his or her unique gifts from God and is choosing to use them for His glory.
    • Knowledgeable in the use of technology exhibiting superior skills in its application.
    • Independent learner and thinker.  
    • Builds and maintains healthy relationships.
  • 7. Lifelong Learner

    THE HOLY CROSS CHRISTIAN ACADEMY student is committed to the lifelong pursuit of wisdom and knowledge, understanding the commitment and skills required to pursue that goal.

    • Setting and evaluating personal and professional goals. 
    • Seeking out new opportunities and willing to try new things.
    • Giving full effort until they reach the goal, even when things are difficult.  
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